30 March 2008

English Club Recipes and Beowulf Film Updates

Pumpkin Seeds!

If you attended the English Club's Halloween Reading last semester, you'll remember that English Club member Dani Palazzolo brought a very tasty dish of pumpkin seeds. Well, here is the recipe:

Dani Palazzolo's Pumpkin Seeds

"Pick out the seeds from one medium-sized pumpkin, leaving a very little bit of the gook on it (gives it a nice pumpkin-y flavor). Spread them on paper towels so they dry, then put them in a large bowl.

In a medium saucepan, melt 3/4 c. of butter or margarine, and stir in 3 T. of garlic powder, 2 t. of salt, and 2 t. of cayenne pepper. Pour over the pumpkin seeds and toss to coat.

Spray a cookie sheet with some cooking spray so the seeds don't stick. Spread them out on the cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes, or until they are slightly crispy and a golden-brown color."

Beowulf Film Update

Sounds delicious, Dani. In other news, the English Club will be filming the Beowulf film this Thursday, April 3 and Friday, April 4. We still need extras, so if you can make it, please come out. I'll send out an e-mail with more information later. For now, though, watch this clip of La Pasion De Jeanne D'Arcla (The Passion of Joan of Arc), a French film from 1928, for aesthetic inspiration. It's one of my top three favorite films ever (and it's not even number three!).

And here is the entire film:

See you Thursday,

14 March 2008

Cervantes Reading

Breaking News! A Celebration of Cervantes and Latino Authors!

The English Club will be cosponsoring Cervantes Night with Adelante Latino: A Student Organization of Greatness. Cervantes Night will feature performances, readings, and, most of all, fun. So come out for it, English Majors, and celebrate the work of a great writer in Seton Hall's gorgeous Pirate's Cove.

More information after the jump.

Cervantes Night
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Pirate's Cove
8:30 PM

EDIT: I will be reading two poems by Pablo Neruda at this event. Very exciting.

Most humbly,

12 March 2008

What to Do with an English Major

- An English Club Lecture Series -

English Majors:

Several professionals will be visiting Seton Hall to speak to you, the English Major, about what you can do when you graduate with an English degree. Speakers will include representatives from Pearson Education Publishing, the Morgan Library, and Dr. Wargacki to talk about politics and marketing.

If you are interested in publishing, working in law, or you have no idea what to do when you graduate, then you must come to this!


What To Do With an English Major
Thursday, March 13, 2008
In the Faculty Lounge of the University Center (Second Floor)
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

In other news, the Beowulf Film Project is coming along swimmingly. I will post more information regarding our cast, shooting schedule, and screening information soon.

Until then - study hard, English Majors.